Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Battery, Fluids and More Electrics

Had some time away to prepare for an event. I got that off my back this morning. Since I took the whole day as vacation, spent some time after lunch on the car (how I missed it!).

On the locostbuilders forum, there were two "Engine started for the 1st time!" threads last weekend. That made me want even more to start mine. So I'm really considering some change of plans: try to start the car within 2 weeks, even without a dash nor bled brakes (will jack up the rear axle). Just for the kicks of hearing it rev. Then I'll get it moving.

With this in mind, first task was to assemble the battery. Spent loads of time careful reading all instructions and mustering courage to deal with the sulphuric acid (all those warning are scary!). Properly protected (eyeware and gloves), Followed instructions to open the battery, pour the acid inside, prepare securely the acid bottle and funnel to be disposed and finally seal the battery. Had to use the rubber mallet to convince the acid bottles to open on the funnel and also to make the sealing cap fit.
It was odd to hear the acid fizzling inside, even after sealing the battery. Left the battery there, will charge it at home, so that I can monitor it. Should buy a voltmeter first, to be able to control charge.

Then, I looked into putting cooling liquid and diff oil in. Went around looking where to pour diff oil through. It wasn't obvious so I left that for later and took a picture to ask. Quickly got the answer.
Filled the expansion tank with cooling liquid but only some of it went away through the pipes. Will have to ask about this later on, don't know if I need to have the engine (and water pump) running for the liquid to move around and allow me to pour the remaining quantity.
The last work was on the dash wiring. Spent again loads of time looking at the Digidash cables, the look section that connects to the digidash loom, the schematics, ... Procrastinating... Finally inserted the 3 fuses on the fuse box and placed connectors on all car loom wires. Later will put the connectors on the Digidash loom.
Lets see if I can start the car soon, I bet it would make me feel quite happy!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work. I put new tires on my car last weekend, only to do is put the new to me oil pan and baffle plate. Keep it going it will be done someday soon.
