Saturday, May 14, 2011

Brake calipers - 1st Round

After a weekend without car-time due to an unexpected work spike, today I had 2 hours to spend. Full of expectations, took to the car the rear disks and the box with all calipers and associated parts.

Placed the rear disks on the hubs and bolted them in place with the wheel nuts. Then bolted in the caliper supports (guides?), putting loads of thread-locking "Pattex Nural" on the bolts. Finished off by cleaning all the disks with disk cleaning spray.
Then assembled the front caliper. In February I tried assembling them at home and had some doubts. The people on the forum weren't helpful on this topic (which was odd) and I ended up finding how to assemble an M16 caliper through some reading and pictures on the caffetine site. Using some old pictures I took back in February below... I put some copper grease between the plates and the pads (careful not to compromise the pads friction area). Then placed the clips on the pads and plates and inserted it all on the caliper. Placed the shafts through the holes and the locking clips on it's tip. The pads had arrows that point on the direction of wheel spin. The caliper must be placed with the bleeding hole (currently has a sort of sticker stating that it's a reconditioned item) on the inside top.
It all looks great but when I went to bolt it on the car the disk didn't fit between the pads. There must be something I should have done on the calipers to retract the pistons a bit more before assembling the lot. Left the other front one unassembled. Opened the box that had one rear caliper and couldn't figure out how to assemble it. Called it a day and will have to investigate a bit more before next weekend.

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