Another morning spent on the car working on the panels. This time the objective was to get the passenger's side done. But before that, I modified one value on the Digidash settings. I had the "Pulses/Cycle" as 4 and it should be 2. I'm still a bit unsure on the remaining values, must see if I can get some confirmation and then I'll post them.
There was not much of a story with the panel work. Held it in place and drilled for two rivnuts. Removed the panel, enlarged the holes, placed the rivnuts, in goes the panel again, bolted down. This helps keeping the panel in place, a few more holes, take the panel out, enlarge, rivnut, panel in and bolt down, drill the remaining holes, take panel out, enlarge, rivnut, panel in and bolted down. To be perfect, only need to fix a bit the hole I opened to pass through the gear lever bolt, since it's a mm offset. Will do that next week, today was already late for lunch.
I had pre-drilled the panels with 10cm between centres. When putting the panel, it seems that 20cm centres is enough and so that is what is done. I can later on drill the remaining holes if I get told I should do it with 10cm.
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