Sunday, January 27, 2013

More Work On The Tunnel

Another 2 and a half hours spent working on the car, all dedicated to the driver's tunnel panel. Only got the rivets for the bigger "half" of the panel in place. The small part that will require taking the throttle peddle out will have to wait for next week. Also filed and deburred an edge of the panel that was a bit too big near the rear. No pictures because it would look like the ones from last week. Not very motivating.

Drilling the holes and having to make effort in odd positions made very noticeable how out-of-shape I am. For a couple of holes had to stop twice to rest before the hole was drilled. Maybe I'm also needing to sharpen my drill bits.

Next week the plan is to use some paint to mark the prop bolts to guide me later when checking for bolts coming loose. Then it's the small panel. Further away... Finish tidying up the wires on the engine bay, align rear wheels toe (maybe fronts also, if they need) and tighten the wheels correctly. Then, outside panels.

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