Started the session with the file and rounding out the hole for the exhaust. The panel that is going to be rivnut'ed in did not slide to position as nicely as I wanted due to some pressure from the exhaust pipes. After some time filing in, it slid perfectly. Time to drill aluminium panel and chassis, then enlarge the chassis holes and put the rivnuts in. Bolted the panel and this task was done.
Held the front panel piece in place with a clamp and drilled for the rivets. Unfortunately, the engine being there, the panel moving slightly and me not paying enough attention made this task take ages. Had to realign or enlarge holes on the panel to make them fit with the holes on the chassis. Then I had a big fight with my PU adhesive bottle. It had gone dry and I was not able to extract any from it. After some wasted time trying to unclog it, and since I believe this will be the last time I'll use it, I just cut through the bottle. With the hacksaw blade posing as a knife, spread the adhesive on the panel as if it was Nutella on bread. Riveted the upper side and held the lower with clamps, to get the adhesive to dry in place.
On the picture it is not noticeable, but the front part ended up not fitting perfectly on top, because of the drilling issue. This means I have a 2cm (almost 1 inch) gap between that panel and the one held with rivnuts. It does not look that nice. I'll have to see if I can hide that later.
Next time I'll be jacking the car up (again), riveting (and rivnuting) the underside and putting the exhaust box in. Then, headlights and some driving!
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