Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Studying Brakes and Preparing Seats

Was a bit lazy today and didn't do much. Anyway, it's worth of note.

Spent some time looking for information on how to properly secure the handbrake cable on the tunnel. Also looked into securing the cable on the callipers. Went to the car to confirm what I was reading and take a thorough look on the parts. I'll have to take the rear wheels off to be able to properly fit the cable.

Made some markings on the back of the firewall and brought it back to the apartment to later on mark and drill where the rivets will go. But I'm not very much into this task since I'm afraid fitting the firewall will make it harder to properly adjust the suspension (when that time comes). So I may postpone this.

What I really want is to drive the car! So I worked on the seats. They have threaded holes where the bolts go. These bolts will hold the seats on the floor (for the drivers seat hold the rail and the rail bolts on the floor). But the holes are covered with the seat's trim, that has to be cut and pushed aside. What I thought would be a 10 minute task ended up taking more than one hour.
In the process, sheared of my "alan key" 6'' tool. It was a rubbish set bought on the Chinese shop. There are some tools that can be bought there because they don't get much usage (nor abuse). Others need to be proper tools. Tomorrow I'll have to look for better "alan keys". Also for 4 new bolts to pin down the driver's seat. When I bought the previous one measured thickness of rail, thickness of floor, nut size and decided on the bolt size. Failed to notice that, due to the sliding lever's pivot, the rails stay a bit above the floor, enough for me to need longer bolts.

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