Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Attempt at the Wheel Bearings

I looked for pictures online of hub carriers and wheel bearings but could find none that would help me with the task at hand. I asked for help on the locostbuilders forum and two members helped out, one with a link to a page with great instructions. Later I received an email from a blog reader pointing to the same page. Thanks to mcerd1, Dingz and Iain!

So, laugh moment... I test-fitted the "oil seals" thinking they were the "outer racers"... Now I really know what each part is. Armed with that knowledge, I went to work on the car a bit.

After a lot of hammering, I quitted without pushing any outer racer inside. When I started to apply a bit more strength, it would always pop up. Since the hub carriers are painted inside, I postponed the task to a next time. And first I'll scrap the paint off the inside walls, every micro-millimetre will help. I'll also try to get a piece of wood or harder material that may fit over the racer so that I can hammer it all inside at the same time. And try to do it on a proper hour, hammering wheel bearings at 23h30 in the night might make someone mad, even if I'm working 3 stories below ground...

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